Present thoughts, Sunday Reverie

Life with Pattern

Life with pattern is a way of living that is characterized by the recognition and appreciation of the patterns that exist in the world around us. These patterns can be found in a wide range of areas, including nature, human behavior, and even in the way that events unfold over time.Adopting a life with pattern requires a level of mindfulness and attention to detail that allows us to observe and understand the patterns that exist in the world around us. By becoming more aware of these patterns, we can learn to predict and anticipate future events, and make better decisions in the present.

Living with pattern also requires a level of flexibility and adaptability, as the world is constantly changing and evolving. While we may be able to identify certain patterns, it is important to recognize that these patterns can also shift and change over time.

Overall, a life with pattern is one that is characterized by a sense of order and predictability, as well as a willingness to adapt and change as circumstances require. By embracing the patterns that exist in the world around us, we can find greater meaning and purpose in our lives, and make more informed decisions about the paths we choose to follow

There are patterns abound around us. From the majestic spiral of a seashell to the rhythmic beat of a heart, the universe is replete with recurring patterns that shape our understanding of reality. Yet, beyond mere aesthetics, patterns hold a profound significance in the way we perceive and navigate life. In this exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of patterns that surround us, from ancient structures to scientific revelations, and uncover the profound wisdom they offer for living a fulfilling life.

Ancient Structures: Echoes of Timeless Wisdom

Step back in time and gaze upon the architectural marvels of ancient civilizations – the pyramids of Egypt, the intricate mandalas of Hindu temples, or the geometric perfection of Greek temples. These structures, imbued with symbolism and purpose, are testaments to humanity’s innate inclination towards pattern and order.

In ancient cultures, patterns were not merely decorative motifs but held deep spiritual and philosophical significance. The Fibonacci sequence, for instance, which manifests in the spirals of seashells and the arrangement of petals in a flower, was revered as a symbol of divine proportion and harmony. Similarly, the intricate labyrinth designs found in sacred sites across the world symbolize the journey of life, with its twists and turns, challenges and revelations.

These ancient structures remind us that patterns are not arbitrary but are woven into the very fabric of existence, reflecting universal truths and timeless wisdom. By attuning ourselves to these patterns, we can gain insights into the mysteries of existence and find greater meaning in our journey through life.

Events: The Dance of Cause and Effect

Beyond physical structures, patterns also emerge in the unfolding of events – the ebb and flow of tides, the changing seasons, the cycles of birth and death. Each event is intricately connected, part of a larger pattern of cause and effect that shapes the course of our lives.

In chaos theory, scientists have discovered the presence of hidden patterns within seemingly random phenomena, revealing the underlying order that governs the universe. The concept of fractals, for example, illustrates how complex patterns can emerge from simple iterative processes, echoing the interconnectedness of all things.

By recognizing the patterns that govern the events in our lives, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Just as the seasons follow a predictable cycle, so too do our own lives unfold according to patterns of growth, change, and renewal. By embracing these patterns, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with greater resilience and grace.

Philosophy: Finding Harmony in Chaos

At its core, the study of patterns is a quest for harmony – a search for order amidst the chaos of existence. In philosophy, this quest takes on a metaphysical dimension, as we contemplate the nature of reality and our place within it.

The concept of the Logos, as articulated by ancient Greek philosophers, posits that the universe is governed by a rational order, a divine principle that imbues all things with purpose and meaning. In Eastern philosophy, the Tao represents the underlying unity of existence, the eternal pattern from which all things arise and return. In the midst of life’s uncertainties, embracing the wisdom of these philosophical traditions can offer solace and guidance. By aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe, we can find peace amidst the chaos and navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Science: Unlocking the Secrets of Patterns

In recent years, advances in science have shed new light on the pervasive presence of patterns in nature and the profound implications they hold for our understanding of reality. From the intricate structures of DNA to the elegant equations of quantum mechanics, scientists have uncovered a hidden order that pervades the cosmos.

In biology, the study of fractals has revealed the fractal geometry of nature, from the branching patterns of trees to the intricate networks of blood vessels in the human body. These fractal patterns serve not only functional purposes but also hint at a deeper order underlying the complexity of life.

In physics, the discovery of symmetry principles has revolutionized our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe, revealing the elegant simplicity that underlies the seemingly chaotic world of subatomic particles.

In the grand symphony of existence, patterns are the notes that weave together the melody of life. From the ancient structures of civilizations past to the intricate dance of events in the present moment, patterns offer a window into the underlying order that governs the universe.

By embracing the wisdom of patterns, we can find harmony amidst the chaos, meaning amidst the uncertainty. Whether through ancient philosophy, scientific inquiry, or contemplative reflection, the study of patterns offers a pathway to deeper understanding and greater fulfillment.

As we journey through life, may we learn to attune ourselves to the rhythms of existence, to dance with the patterns that shape our lives, and to find beauty and meaning in the ever-unfolding tapestry of existence.

Present thoughts

Can one be in the state of objective perception?

A process of perceiving or understanding something in a manner that is free from personal biases, emotions or subjective interpretations. That’s objective perception. However our environment doesn’t allow that? Is in it so? Why an apple had to called an apple? Why a lush greenery in a park suddenly bring calmness to us? Is it because we evolved from ape!! The moment we see a mango, the taste lingers. Because it involves observing and analyzing information which quickly relates to individual opinions or preferences to influence the interpretation.

In many contexts, achieving objective perception can be challenging because individuals naturally bring their own experiences, beliefs, and perspectives to their observations.

Imagine you see a rose. The color that pops up immediately is red. Because, the colors you see are not inherent to the object, but a product of your own conditioning. Where the beauty of a sunset is not just light on clouds, but a reflection of your accumulated memories and desires.

Thus the perception of each and every one of us, is always an interpretation of the thoughts, by our past experience and emotions. This view, often opaque and unconscious, colors everything we encounter. Imagine looking at a rose through a stained-glass window – the true color of the rose is distorted by the colored panes. Our perception, similarly, distorts reality.

Thus our perception of everything and everyone is always through filters, creating division and conflict. We perceive our own lives through the distorting lens of fear and desire.

Hence, to be in the state of objective perception for one is quite tough. We can be close to it. Just being an observer. A neutral observer. Who is part of the process and the process itself. Being present. Being aware. Thus when you are in the park, sitting on the bench you don’t watch. You don’t search. You just observe. See. Be part of the happenings in the part and as an observer one amongst the multiple things and happenings in the park. Never to get lost into the happenings. This shall help to perceive it as it is. And that can happen when you are in the presence and feel the present.

Life values

Being thoughtless

Have you ever been thoughtless? A state of blank. Most of the times, our mind is filled with thoughts. And mostly they just wander like the floating dust in the breeze. Very rarely, the same thoughts catchup with the storm. Thats when we become emotionally uncontrollable.

So, why being thoughtless is so hard? To know this further, we just need to understand, how we have been brought up!! Most of the times, as part of evolution, we are subjected to various kinds of subjects. Most of the subjects during the initial period of our growth is by referrence than experience. Rose petals taste good. A flame is hot. These were constantly fed into our mind by the people around us. Once we experience this, we actually start to frame a stronger opinion on those. The first time, when we felt the heat of a flame, we realize and accept, the flame is hot. But at the same time, when we first tasted the petal of the rose, probably we would have felt its not so tasty as we thought to be. Because, taste is again an referrence scheme to the one which we liked. Immediately our mind compared it with the taste of the one which we liked to the rose petal, to form an opinion about the same.

Likewise, as our mind, starts to analyze the various things that starts to pileup over the years. Just like the cow that assimilates and chews its grass, when it sits on the pasture after its fodder. In the sameway, our mind brings in all the thoughts that are actively dormant as well as in the cache memory. From the recent quote you read, to the email, to the conversation to the year past conversation, to that lingering image etc, our mind just plucks one of these to float in, when we are idle. As the mind plays like a breeze, our thoughts as dust keeps floating and we float along with it.

Can the dust settle? Can we be thoughtless? Yes we can be. The best way to do it is becoming observant of those. It’s about watching the mind, as it frames those thoughts. Once you become observant of those thoughts, you start to realize the various thoughts that your mind creates or plucks from various links within the brain. The more you observe oneself, the mind starts to slow down. It becomes watchful towards the observation. It starts to slowdown.

Either being an observant or an observer, is also not an easy task. Because, when you are an observer, the actual expectation is to watch. Not to associate or arrive at any conclusions. Also not to link with any of the knowledge. For example, when we watch kids playing in the park, we generally don’t observe. We actually, allow our thoughts to look into the kids, their play, the beautiful surrounding of the green part, the tall green trees nearby; as minutes passes by we also start to do prediction, whether the kid might slip when they play, or start to immerse ourselves in the play as a mode of enjoyment and start to think about similar kids, or relate to the news or players associated. Then we start to day dream.

However, as an observer, when you start to observe the kid as a human and not even as kid, and not linking it to anything and just watch without any assumptions or predictions, then during that state of mind, we are thoughtless. Why thoughtless is so important to one’s focus? Being thoughtless, allows one to observer the state in the as-is condition. Thus it demolishes all layers of wraps covered by the associated thoughts. When you are thoughtless, there is a certain vacuum that gets created in mind. This vacuum at the initial stage tries to keep itself full, by pulling all thoughts in to the mind. However, as a practice, when you start to being thoughtless, then this vacuum starts to expand. There is a sudden vastness, we start to feel. In this vastness, we admire things as they are. We accept the things as it is. The mind doesn’t start to construe things or create assumptions. Most of the times, its our assumptions or presumptions that plays a major role part of all our communications in life.

Now, visualize where it’s without any assumption or presumption. Then the discussion becomes simple. The communication is open valley. Everything is visible in-front of the one who hears. There is crystal clear clarity. This brings in a new form of emotional conditioning. We don’t react. We stop being emotionally reactive. We immerse in the presence. We value the time. We start to see, there is no past and future. There is only now. Reaction slowly disappears. Acceptance, takes a major form. This is also conditioning of the mind. But in this state, we start to transform. In this state, as we. focus on now, we start to look at each and every aspect as a task in hand for this moment; rather than the results for the tasks. Which means, we start to unify. Unify as one, time, place and task all in one.

The excellence starts to appear, only when this happen. At this state results doesn’t matter. Because results take care of themselves. They are just by product of one’s own actions. However results influence to drive the actions minimizes. It’s the essence of being in presence, drives the results. Being thoughtless, is as I write, this blog, it’s allowing a free flow of words, at this point in time, to draft a content. I specifically removed the word meaningful, because, it varies from individual to individual. The meaning is nothing but an outcome of the understanding of various learnings and observations in the past, in relation to this blog. However, when you read and leave it to stand as such in your mind without any linkage, then the action which you had carried out is an immersive experience of being in presence and enjoying it. That’s being thoughtless.

Without thoughts, one cannot become thoughtless. Once one becomes thoughtless, its reveberation expands the thoughtlessness for others thoughtfulness.

Present thoughts

State of Flow

When was the last time, you were in a state of flow? Getting lost in thinking about the same! We all are always in a state of flow. But mostly we don’t recognize those and neither we try to capitalize on those. Before we get into this state of flow, let’s understand what is flow?

Flow means the action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream as per the online dictionary. It’s a state in which one is aligned seamlessly with the thing. For example, when a river flows, it’s in a state in which it moves continuously and steadily across the terrain. In this state of flow, it carries every small pebble, gravel, sand, fishes along its current flow. The flow is smooth and rhythmic. Give in your ear to listen to the river flow, you can always hear that rhythmic sound.

Whenever the river comes across a hurdle, a boulder or a valley, it creates over time a force to navigate, passthrough or fall to comeback into its state of flow. That’s when you see any river as it originates is in a smooth state of flow, before it navigates through all mountains or valleys and then recovering back to its original state of flow. Thus, as humans we easily get into a state of flow, without realizing the same. When one is in this state of flow, it’s a meditative state too.

Let’s delve to understand, when are we in this state of flow? In our day to day tasks, for example, when you listen to the favorite music of yours, you indulge in it – That’s a state of flow; similarly when you take a walk or go for your jogging or in your work, when you start to make that proposal or the presentation where you can see yourself your work flows at a rhythmic pace, you are in the state of flow. During those states, we are one with the flow or the music or the task or the jogging etc as to what we do.

You would have always felt after listening to that music or completing that task in your flow state or relishing the coffee as you read the book etc, you feel a kind of relaxation. That’s the strength of being in the state of flow. It actually relaxes the one. We are in the state of meditativeness during the state of flow.

The challenge with the state of flow is that, it’s addictive in nature. The moment you realize that, you are able to focus when you have that refreshing coffee or you listen to that music or take a walk and come back; which initially starts as a rhythm becomes a habit of addictiveness. Eventually, we start to feel that without that music we are not able to focus. Our mind gets accustomed to this routine. Is this good or bad? That’s a question one’s own mind needs to ponder. As long as one is able to have a watch over it, then it’s not a challenge. Else, these state of flows rather than being supportive engines for oneself, become more of a relaxation engines. What do I mean by here is that, they actually become your stress reliever or attention seeker. For example, we start to play the music to get relaxed of the stress, which at first go started as a channel of focus; similarly we start to take a smoke to relieve, which initially started as a time to think; so how can one be watchful of the state of flow.

In a state of flow, it’s being mindful of what drives you to make it happen. Keeping a watch on the instruments of flow and then occasionally trying to break the rhythm shall help the oneself in the state of flow. As a tamil proverb goes,

too much of elixir can turn out to be a poison.

Thus, try to look out to your state of flow. The moment you understand your state of flow and the instruments that influence the state of flow, you are in control of the actions in your hand. Actions are nothing but the thoughts pushed into a momentum.

Sunday Reverie


A word we as humans aren’t mostly ready to accept. Well, let me say this way – The color which you like is a conditioning of your mind from the day you were born; the ice cream that you say your favorite one, is again a conditioning of your mind. The same way the list can be added upon. That morning wakeup call to check the tweeter feeds or the insta stories are also a kind of conditioning of one’s own mind.

So how did we get conditioned to this kind of conditioning? We just need to travel to the past to meet our fore fathers the sapiens. The simplest relatable example close to us can be seen in our pets. Why would your pet dog, just listen to your voice and sit calmly? Isn’t that dog can be more ferocious in its nature than a human? Just because the dog, through the adoption by you, it is conditioned to listen to you. The same way it had happened from our evolution.

The adoption of our mind from the natural impacts, to the seasonal changes aren’t the only factors that had made us to what we are. The conditioning of our mind was carried out through various factors. From the religious belief, to the education system, the political climate, the society in which we are brought up, to books of choice which we seek are all because of the conditioning of one’s own mind.

So how does this happens. These are like sowing of seeds. You sow the thoughts from your novice age. The thoughts that gets repeated again and again. The repetition that leads to a pattern. A pattern that gets registered forever. When those scribbles gets in as a marking on a soft stem, as it grows to a tree it remains as a mark on the branch. It’s the same with a human mind.

The belief is of white is pure and black is dark is also one such conditioning of human mind. The reason is most of the times our minds are conditioned not to reason. Before even white became the symbol of pure and cleanliness, it was black. The black was considered as the royal and was related to power. White was in non-existence during those times. However, as the expansion happened in terms of territories and association of black by few people of power, eventually led black to the color of poor and dark.

Such, is the conditioning of our mind, that most of the times we never try to question the rituals or customs or premises for sake of its own existence. The disconnect is due to chalk and talk system of education. Probably, one of the fundamental systemic practice that was brought in had become one of the strong foundation for conditioning. The system of education just covers the basic aspects of know how and the numerals for counting rather than questioning the fundamentals of evolution. The nature of existence.

As Sapiens we are more interested to have an order in place than chaos. But what we don’t understand is that Chaos is nothing but an non-understandable order and order is nothing but an understandable Chaos. In both the cases, the understanding is in relevance to time. When we don’t try to look in an objective way, we fall for the presumptions and premises of the respective times. That leads to a belief. A belief eventually turns out to be a conditioning of mind. Can this conditioning be challenged and changed?

Sunday Reverie

What’s in a name?

Though the above question seems as a simple one to answer, let’s try to delve into it to understand, what’s in a name?. A name, though means a set of words to identify a person, the probable question is whether name came to existence the way we have known it. The name was a probable something, that was initially used to address a thing or a person. Well then, why did the name came into such a prominence?.

In the early years, the name would have been relating to a set of traits or by activities carried out by a person; either by his act of his natural instincts, or eventually then, by the profession. Along the course of time, to give a specific identity, people started to relate the name with the things or people they believed or loved. Thus name came into existence the way we know today. However, why the name plays such an important role in one’s life?

It’s not the names that identifies us. It’s our actions. However, eventually our actions gets defined by our names.

Then let’s understand what we are? We are a set of patterns. I know, you didn’t expect such a reply. Though we are common, like any other humans in terms of flesh and feelings, what makes each one of us different from other, is their patterns. So what do I mean by patterns is that, its the assimilation of all your thoughts. The thoughts that made into memories. The existence of memories by way of learnings, experiences and watching. These memories get associated with our past and present. They form an identity of oneself. This inherent identity which we have formed for us, relates and reflects in our name.

Though the name, was initialized in early past by traits, then by profession and then by belief or the things that one loved, this name grows and locks oneself up by his or her own belief of what he or she is. A belief that rose out of perception by others, creating one’s own perception in oneself. This perception builds and locks oneself with its own boundaries. Thus, the name becomes a powerful identity for oneself as well as for the outside world.

How does it became so prominent in oneself? Basically, we are nothing but patterns. Our mind as out of freshness, is thoughtless. With each experience, they register. As they register they form memories. With every memory, in the subsequent thought, we start to form patterns. The patterns when become undeniably mechanical are nothing but habits. These habits gets interlinked with our behavior. That’s when we have the first identity being formed for the outside world as well as for the one inside.

Our mind starts to link the identity from these patterns to one’s own name. Thus a name is an association of certain values one’s mind perceives for the patterns, which the outside world addresses as an identity for its understanding of oneself. Now, understanding about our own name,

What’s in a name?

The name evolves with oneself. Though the name, becomes a mere chronological order in a family tree or the society hierarchy after one’s death, their existence in history timeline depends upon their actions. Well, this being the case, how the name controls oneself with such strong boundaries. A prison sort of, that bounds oneself. Most of the times, one thinks when he or she acts something new or faces a situation of failure or demoralizing event, the mind builds a catastrophe syndrome. It quickly builds opinions, beliefs as to what will happen when the name, the so called one’s own identity fails. These built opinions, beliefs, by the mind are nothing but the thoughts that are registered as experiences, than the real life experiences registered in one’s own memory.

These thoughts had created that guardhouse for oneself. The one, which one starts to fortify by his or her behavior. When this name is nothing but assimilation of experience, learnings upon a repeated pattern by thoughts, can it become irrelevant?. When one starts to delink, that name is nothing but a repeated pattern of relevance to one’s identity. This understanding then starts to create a ripple. The ripple where in even the segmentation with in humans by humans doesn’t stand.

This shows, that names where the reason in first place to bring the segmentation with in humans. The one which started as an identity by traits or profession, had eventually become the one for segmentation. The segmentation of various kinds within humans by humans. Can just delinking or eradicating the name of oneself can resolve these issues? Though the societal change is farfetched, however the change with in oneself with the association from one’s own name can be delinked.

When one can understand that the name is nothing but a mere reflection of their own perceptional thoughts. As one understands, that these thoughts make him or her; brings the identity for him or her, proves that name is an association of identity for him or her. When one decides that, its the work that’s of importance than the name, then name starts to loose its shine. When such a thought starts to sprout and spreads within the tribe, then the tribe becomes powerful for their actions. The actions, which in order eventually to be identified by their traits, leads to naming convention. When one disassociates their relationship or identity of their capability with their name, then name doesn’t carry value, as they start to associate with a larger conscience of human kind.

As and when everyone understands the significance of their work than the association of name to their work, then one starts to value the human conscience. We rarely understand that most of our thoughts and emotions aren’t a representation of our own. They are imbibed in us from our early years because of the society to which we belong. When such an understanding happens, and the how the name’s gets associated with it, we realize

What’s in a name?

Personal Excellence

Why do we need leaders?

A probable question that mostly we don’t ask. Do we really need leaders? How does one differentiate from the other in terms of leadership?

The leader is the one who takes his people from the valley of known to the dream peak

A leader is none other than a common man. A man who has the same tissues and brain, same sort of feelings, shows vulnerability and has the same emotions like any of us. A leader is never born. There is no one with born leadership trait. It’s all in the permission one gives to a thought to follow. A thought of so called known vision. The reason it’s called a know vision is of the reason one believes in it at a certain point in time. Then puts the action in place and works tirelessly to reach that vision.

The leader is the one who shows vitality and vigor to reach the vision. Goals are part of the vision for the leader. That’s the not the end result. Every leader’s vision is always not specific but wide in its view. They device an approach which they feel is right to reach the vision. One of the challenge is in bringing the consensus amongst the people to follow the vision.

This leads to a question, when I follow a vision, can I be a leader? Why not? For a simple man or woman, like manager at work, or coffee seller at a coffee shop or a student who dreams of getting a high paid job or the sweeper etc. Let’s take the example of the sweeper. A sweeper’s purposeful vision would be to ensure his family is able to have the minimum commitment of food, cloth and shelter in place; to provide education for his children and to lead a calm life.

When the sweeper works tirelessly towards the vision of building and nurturing this, he or she is a purposeful human in its own right. Then when does he or she become the leader? When the same sweeper adheres to the integrity of life as its core principle and starts to think, that it’s not only a necessity of calm life for himself or herself but also for the peers in his work needs to be established. When one starts to think this way and act upon it, in their circle of influence, he or she become a leader.

When such a transition happens, within oneself to support the fellow humans with the best of his or her capability, a leader is in place. Now assume, when every one starts to think this way and acts, it brings a massive change in oneself. A change within the community. That change leads to the fundamental question – When such a change happens,

Do we need leaders?

Basically, what has happened is that, the moment we see someone with a thought process for a larger cause, we start to acknowledge their views. We start to follow and support their opinions. We start to believe. This belief is the culprit. Because, once you start to believe, you don’t start to think. Belief leads to blind follow. That’s where we have this term blind faith. Faith is nothing but a strong belief on to something.

Let’s take a pause and allow this thought to digest in you. Isn’t that we can also think? Can’t we also try to expand the core purpose of us to support a human? When we start to build this cycle of support for one human, we are building the real human chain. A chain we know, that we are linked by similarities of physical and emotional appearances and needs. When we start to think and act on this, where is the necessity for the leaders?

We all have the capability to think. A thought becomes powerful, when you allow it catch a link. The link is the action. A thought becomes thinking, when it catches one’s mind. A host. A host on which it can influence upon and make one to act. The one who caught on to that influence acts. While others, just dump their thoughts. We perceive the thoughts through his or her action. Because action easily influences a mind than a powerful thought.

For example, as you read this blog, when it creates a spark of thought, then that’s something you need to catchup on. That’s kindling of one’s own mind. When I record this and deliver as a speech or as an enactment, then it becomes an action. An action didn’t kindle your own thought. A thought that projects me in your mind based upon your perception and created a thought that, whatever he said seems right. This action influenced your thought to follow mine. The more action I do, then it becomes a belief. A belief that eventually turns into blind faith.

Thus, it’s a thought that you had allowed, to project another thought of belief. The principles that you had acknowledged at your first go as the rightful ones. The principles which we never questioned. As to why?

Relating back to the quote mentioned above, a leader is the one who takes his people from the valley of known to the dream peak. Isn’t that we actually gave the power to a common man to become a leader?. Isn’t that we believed in the vision set by someone as the probable best one and started to follow it?. Isn’t that we then blindly started to build the faith and trust on these leaders?

Well, if that’s the case why did we leave our thoughts?. Our own thoughts that guides us to build us for our family. Our own thoughts that navigates us through tough times. It’s because not everyone is brought up in the same way. Though everyone is born in the same way not everyone builds themself up in the same way. A person, who had seen the plight of her people, her society, her community gives the power to her thought. How can I change this? That powerful thought leads to thinking. A thinking that results in actions. Actions that are hardship to her. But she carries with the vigor and vitality to endure. This makes her a leader, because we are not prepared for this. We feel, that we cannot endure. We fear, we fail. We constraint ourselves by the boundary of societal standards and norms.

Assume, you are in the middle of a city. In a city in the midnight. There is not much traffic around. There is also not much people around. You are lost in the city to reach your destination. You have the route, google maps in hand but you can’t figure it out. You get a thought to ask someone. You figure out by searching and reaching the nearest shop or a taxi driver to get the guidance. A thought to ask. A brave step to start. That’s how a leader is born. Taking the first step. Not large steps. Small step of bravery. But continuously.

When you acknowledge that you can give power to the thought, then you can become a leader. When everyone gives power to the thought, they start their thinking process. A process that can lead to action. When such an action of embracing a vision for the betterment of fellow human happens, you become a leader.

Thus, it leads to our first question.

Why do we need leaders?

Sunday Reverie

Meditation and thinking

Most of the times, we think about meditation as state of blissfulness. The one which we want to achieve by an act of self control. A state in which, we are meant to feel serenity and calmness. An abode of peacefulness. The way we follow to attain the same is through various methods. But this topic isn’t about the steps that we follow to achieve the state of meditation. The topic is about what is meditation and how it relates to our thinking.

Meditation is a state of focus. A state where in an individual follows a certain activity with focus. A focus in which his attention, awareness becomes one and is singular. That state is the state of meditation. A state in which everything is calm and stable.

When you work on a subject or task, it can always lead to a meditative state. Meditation is not only by practicing a certain practice and breathing technique to reach. It’s present always around us and with in us. When you visit a serene beautiful blue lake surrounded by beautiful colorful plateau, and the lake reflecting a mountain. This view as you see in front of you and the moment you relish it as a presence, you have entered the meditative state. Because in the meditative state there are no thoughts. A state of feeling one with the state itself, while there are no thoughts. A state where in actuality, you have merged with the one to become singular for that moment in time. Thus meditative state is one in which you are thoughtless.

Then why you do we relate meditation to thinking. Thinking by far for majority of us is purely by empirical thoughts. A relation of experience that had happened or visualized. A sensory perception. The moment we are thinking about meditation we equate it to serenity, peaceful, calmness, white and etc. Can a woodcutter or blacksmith or sharpshooter or a sweeper can be in a meditative state as they work?

Yes! Everyone can reach the state of meditation in their work. None requires a separate meditation as a practice to reach. Meditation as said earlier is all about singularity. A state in which you become one. You become your task. You become your own practice. You become your work. A sweeper, becomes effective in his sweeping by repetition of the work. The repetition of work, with observation helps him to adopt better. This practice of repetition of work, makes him effective. The moment he becomes effective, he reaches close to a state of singularity. In this state, his body, his actions everything flows with a certain pattern, an artistic movement. It’s like the dance steps smoothly and graciously flowing on the floor as he moves sweeping the floor. His hands tuned to some music, where in we can see a pattern of flow aligned with his movement of his steps.

His whole body understands and embodies the work in that sequence of activities. In that finer moment of work, he becomes his work. His work is nothing but himself. That’s when he is in the meditative state. In that state, he would be thinking anything and he would be completely immersed in his actions. His eyes, his mind, his fingers, his feet everything aligned to one purpose and the purpose is sweeping the floor. To keep it clean and shining. This is the state of meditation.

The goal of being in a meditative state is not to create a flow. Is to be the flow

Most of us can easily achieve the state of meditation by the nature of your work. But basically we try hard to reach it by other ways of practice. Where in we force ourselves to focus or visit places of practice to reach the meditative state. The reason, we are tuned to this is, because of empirical thoughts. We read, we heard, we visualized, we watched about meditation in this way. The moment we think about meditation we relate to the following. A serene music. An environment with fresh air or fragrance around. A hall or room in complete silence. A retreat surrounded by beautiful nature. These empirical thoughts have led meditation to be a subject of elusiveness. In order to attain, it we try to practice based upon these empirical reference.

In a meditative state its being thoughtless. Can someone be thoughtless? Is it possible to be thoughtless? Well, when you are in the singular nature, you become one. The one which is what you do. As mentioned above a sweeper, when his work becomes his rhythm he is singular. In the state of singularity, the mind is fully focused on to the work. A work of sweeping the floor, to look for any dust and cleaning it properly to make the floor shining. A thought shall pop in when there is disturbance, or you find an interference to the work you do. The interference can be external and rarely internal when you are in a meditative state of work. The control of senses to the external environment helps you to swing back to the work and easily get into the state of meditation.

The meditative state is always attained by every great worker. Generally we refer this state of attainment to artists, be it the musician, a painter or dancer. When we watch a ballet dancer smoothly flowing as a swan on the dance floor, that moment of exuberance in us, is due to the fact that the ballet dancer is performing the dance in a state of meditation. A dance where in she and her movements are the one. A singularity of body, mind and motion. It’s the same case with respect to any work. Be it a craftsman, a regular accountant, a clerk, a receptionist, a sales guy. We rarely acknowledge their excellence in work. The best excellence in work is achieved, when you enter the state of meditation. This can be attained by every one.

So, when you work, how can be one thoughless? How is it possible for the one in the state of meditation during his work to be thoughtless? To understand thoughtless, we need to understand about thinking. A thought.

A thought is a relative cohesion from an event. The moment you delve into that it’s called as thinking. When you work and suddenly you get a thought about donuts, its because there was an event or color or smell or back of mind process that made you to think about donuts. The occurrence of donut is the thought. The moment it occurred in your mind, you started to think about the donut, the donut shop, the varieties of donuts, the color of donuts, the taste of donuts, and probably you started to think, who you would like to eat the donuts with, to whom you want to buy and further you went on to, when you would buy the donuts, where would you buy it from; from here you moved on to planning it as a complete step. As you were reading this, if you have started to think about donuts and started to plan for the same, then this writing is an influence creator of a thought which had led you into thinking.

A simple thought of donut had led you into thinking. In this scenario, when you work, how can be one thoughtless?. Let’s go back to the example of sweeper. A sweeper when he starts to clean the floor, then wets the mob in the liquid/detergent water and starts to mob the floor. As he continues to do his work, he comes across a dirt which is hard enough to remove. There can be only two options. In option 1, where he tries to clean the dirt and as it is hard enough, he starts to think why it is not getting cleaned. Stops, analyses and then takes an acid base and mixes with his liquid as a small sample to clean the floor. In this course of action, his tactical time to understand and to think, would actually distract him to thinking and then he tries to get to his work of cleaning. That’s where it’s mentioned earlier, that any distraction to the state of meditation can only be extrinsic.

In option 2, as he cleans and gets struck with a dirt, he immediately makes a sample with an acid base and water in the same state of flow. Then wets his mob again and wipes its clean. This method of smooth transitionary flow without any hurdle of stop over is attained by experience. An experience, where in his mind is tuned for every action or hurdle with a build in solution approach. The approach that’s stitched so well. When this happens, you don’t find a surprise or stopover in his action. He smoothly switches/pauses to make the acid base liquid and then sweeps the floor. You can literally see that, he is a same state of flow even though with external interference in his work.

In such a state of option 1, where one is wired to tasks in singularity is always thoughtless. Being in this state of thoughtless, is attained by deep understanding of the state of work. Can a writer be thoughtless? Yes obviously. A writer who knows the subject which he wants to share, and has a deep understanding of its flow, will be thoughtless as he scripts his work. The scripts flows like a perennial river. In its smoothness and elegance. Thus, in the state of meditation one is always thoughtless. When we approach meditation through thinking, then it becomes tough. It’s cumbersome. Suddenly so elusive, that we find it as forsaken fruit. The one which can be attained only by priests and yogis.

The presence of being in the current moment of work and being deep into it by focus can easily help one to be meditative enough. This state of meditation can bring the calmness amongst the chaos, the silence amongst the storms, the smile amongst the anxiety in oneself.

Touch your inner space, which is nothingness, as silent and empty as the sky; it is your inner sky. Once you settle down in your inner sky, you have come home, and a great maturity arises in your actions, in your behavior. Then whatever you do has grace in it. Then whatever you do is a poetry in itself. You live poetry; your walking becomes dancing, your silence becomes music.

The one who is in the meditative state of work always in a spacious place. A place wide open as wide as a universe.

Sunday Reverie

A banana as banana and not an apple – Empirical thoughts and our thinking

This was a question that arose suddenly, as “empirical thoughts and how it’s related to our thinking?”. A question which repeated in me for a week long. This led to understand learn about empirical thoughts. Also, it was able to answer few of the queries related to our thinking. The basic underlying question is always “Why we think, the way we think?“.Before getting into empirical thoughts, we need to know a little detail about “Empiricism“. It is a theory that states, that knowledge is only through sensory experience.

Empiricism emphasizes the role of empirical evidence in the formation of ideas. It’s also argued that any tradition or custom or rituals is due to the earlier sense experience. Empirical evidence means the information is received by the senses. This happens by observation and documentation of patterns, behavior through experimentation. particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation.

Blank Slate

The concept associated with empiricism historically is called as “blank slate” concept. This is similar to the blank slate. As a kid, we learn to write on a blank slate and get to capture the numerics, alphabets, the pattern to write and the representation. Once we are able to register those, we start to create words and the relativeness. The same way, in empiricism it is believed that, human when born are like a blank slate. They develop their thoughts only through experience.

The blank slate concept and its growth can be attributed to John Locke. Account to him, the human mind is a blank slate. In the words of Locke, it’s a “white paper”. A white paper on which the various experiences of the person derived from sense impressions are written. When viewed from this concept, the ideas are only by two sources – Sensation and Reflection. Though the ideas can be simple or complex, a clear distinction can be made between them.

Though, empirical thoughts through experience is simple to understand from a high level, the complexity increases as we delve deep into the qualities of thought or idea origination. Between the simple and complex ideas, the simple can be broken down into two main qualities – The primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities are the essential things for the object to be as what it is. The primary qualities becomes the base for us to understand the object as it is. Without primary qualities, the object can not be what it is and does not exist to be as what it is.

Banana as Banana

Let’s taken an example of banana. The banana is banana because of the arrangement of atoms, the atomic structure. When the atomic structure of banana is different, for example something similar to apple, then it would not be a banana. Instead it would be an apple. Then we come to the secondary qualities. Secondary qualities are all the related sensory information that comes out of the primary qualities. This helps us to perceive the banana as banana even though there are variations in the secondary qualities. For example, a banana can be of different sizes, different colors like yellow, red etc, texture. Yet we identify it as banana and probably by the secondary qualities, we might infer a different tag for the same banana. Thus the secondary qualities can be called as the attributes of the object, while the primary qualities defines what the object essentially is.

A combination of simple ideas which can be divided into substances, modes and relations are the complex ones. The complex ideas. Thus, when we relate the object primary and secondary qualities from the time of our first understanding till now, we can easily understand it’s a perception. Thus our knowledge of the things around us is a perception. A perception of the ideas that are in coherence and in accordance or non-coherent and in discordance with each other.

Though the existence of almighty or nature in the creation of these objects shall be taken in a different blog. Thus, when we look into our learning, we can clearly understand that most of the objects and their relativeness is by our perception. A perception, which was perceived to be so from the early age as a kid. The perception that was taught to us generation by generation. Thus, this leads to early sapiens, how would they have perceived a banana as banana and not apple? Why they had perceived that way?

Banana and not apple

Thus when such a question arose, Scottish philosopher David Hume made an argument not from a philosophical approach but referencing a scientific way. Where in he said, it would have been by proof. Which means, the banana is considered as banana and not as apple, just by recording the banana at various use case scenarios before it got formalized as banana by our grand sapiens.

Hume took empiricism to a whole new level of skepticism. He argued that the all knowledge are derived from sensory experiences, but also gave a new point of view. He wrote for example,

“Locke divides all arguments into demonstrative and probable. On this view, we must say that it is only probable that all men must die or that the sun will rise to-morrow, because neither of these can be demonstrated. But to conform our language more to common use, we ought to divide arguments into demonstrations, proofs, and probabilities—by ‘proofs’ meaning arguments from experience that leave no room for doubt or opposition.”

As we look into this view of Hume’s perspective, from the proof and probabilities, the question that arises is there might be a reasoning behind to arrive at the approach to call for a proof or a probability. Thus we need to go back again to the banana example. What would have made our grand sapiens to think in such a way. Probably, this can be their initial days of reasoning. A reasoning approach to understand why this specific object (banana) is different from the other object (apple). Can we elucidate from here, that reasoning is the cause for an original idea?

Proofs and probabilities

When the original idea is the object identification as banana by its primary and secondary qualities, then the reasoning to make this argument of banana to be as banana, can never be considered an original idea. For the simple reason, its an experience, and the experience can never lead us to conclusion. Because, for an object of existence itself is an experience, more than the quality. And that quality need not exist either at the initial stage, the very beginning of existence.

When we approach, with the object identification by primary and secondary qualities, and being established by proofs and probabilities, the interesting factor of conviction comes by its associated reasoning. To make it simple, let’s look at Sun. The moment we hear Sun, the first thing that comes to our mind is a circular ball of fire. The associated secondary qualities are its brightness, can be seen by naked eyes, rises in east and settles in west, summer is very hot etc. Hume, makes a startling argument here. For an instance, we cannot know with certainty that the sun will continue to rise in the east. Instead, we expect it to do so, just because Sun has repeatedly done so in the past by rising in the east. The reasoning which we give to an object just because of its repetition pattern.

“No one has the right to destroy another person’s belief by demanding empirical evidence.”

Ann Landers

As look from the eyes of Hume, we can understand that our beliefs are results of our own accumulated habits. These habits got developed in response to accumulated sense experiences. Thus the general truth in the Sun’s example is that Sun will rise tomorrow in the east. This is arrived by our own experiences and observations, including what we learned from our surroundings and others to come with a general truth. This is called as inductive reasoning. However, Hume conclusion towards the inductive reasoning is that there is no certainty that the future will resemble the past.

When we have such experiences with inductive reasoning, how banana still remains as banana and not an apple? The reasoning for this can be approached as

  • The object of knowledge are real things.
  • The properties of real things do not depend on our perceptions of them. They are intrinsic to them,
  • Thus one who has sufficient experience of real things will agree on the truth about them.

The above three points where conceived and became the basis of the empirically based scientific method. The credit goes to Peirce, who added a new concept of abductive reasoning to this. It starts with an observation or set of observations and then seeks to find the simplest and most likely conclusion from the observations.

Our thinking

When we relate the empiricism, we can get a glimpse of our thinking process. Any inference is dependent upon the habits we have developed. The habits that have been built by various experiences either direct or inferences but not arranged for any logical purposes. When our grand mom says “it will rain tomorrow”. We as a kid would have asked “why do say so?”. Grand mom replies stating that “Sky is dark and low as the sunsets”. We asked “how do you say so?”…Grand mom would explain “It generally rains in such cases after a sunset, but I don’t know why?”

Thus in this above cited example, Grand mom did not perceive any connection for the rain or the sky being dark. Also, it is not factual based upon certain principles or any laws. However, from a repetition of frequently recurring events, has led to think that a dark lower sky during sunset leads to rain. This is by association of one with the other. When our grand sapiens were living under the open sky, this pattern recognition and the relativeness to one another were framed. In order to communicate the same, from the language of symbols, to proverbs to traditional folklore cam into place. Thus, when there was no understanding as to why certain events occur during those times, or how the relativeness between events can be correlated were considered as foresight gift for few. There it was completely empirical.

When we understand this and relate to our thinking, we can elucidate that most of our thinking is also empirical. From the reasoning with a sore throat, one can get cold to mathematical deduction of numbers are all empirical patterns developed by our grand sapiens. We developed ourselves in that system and 90% of our actions are one way or the other is empirical. Because we started as “blank slate”. Yet we have instincts. We can sometimes foresee the future. Are these because the objects are nothing but atoms with a primary quality, we are also atoms. Atoms, that carry the empirical prints in them carried over generations. Giving base to this assumptions proves empiricism is strong in all of us. Our thoughts are modelled by empiricism.

If this is scenario, is it good to conclude the one who came in the legacy of hitler is alway power hungry while the one who came in the legacy of Gandhi is a non-violent. This never turns out to so, because, as per Hume, there is no certainty that the future shall resemble the past.

“The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.”

Thus the scientific analysis plays an important role. The scientific analysis is not to produce certain conclusions, but to detect and correct the errors, thus lead us to truth.

When it is empirical, why suddenly we have some random thoughts? Why we are most of the times, not able to relate to any original occurrence? If so, how & If not, why.

“This note was by curiosity. Curiosity that led to progress to understand empirical thoughts. Empirical thoughts by its means doesn’t drive progress. “

Personal Excellence, Sunday Reverie

Theory of constraint to personal excellence

What is theory of constraint?

The theory of constraints (TOC), as it’s known among the management teams. It was conceived as a philosophy of continuous improvement. It has evolved in the last 30+ years from the time Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt introduced the concept in his book “The Goal“. TOC tries to identify a constraint with in an organization production process. The assumption is there is always a constraint. Basically, TOC by Goldratt laid out a systematic approach to identify what was preventing a company from achieving its goal of making money for its owners. This blog is trying to use that approach, to help in one’s thinking or the focussing process.

Who is Dr Eliyahu Goldratt?

Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt was an Israeli business management guru. An author of several non-fiction and business novels on the application of theory of constraints. He introduced the optimized production technique, the famous TOC, the thinking process and other TOC derived tools.

“I smile and start to count on my fingers: One, people are good. Two, every conflict can be removed. Three, every situation, no matter how complex it initially looks, is exceedingly simple. Four, every situation can be substantially improved; even the sky is not the limit. Five, every person can reach a full life. Six, there is always a win-win solution. Shall I continue to count?”

Eliyahu M. Goldratt

How TOC got evolved?

TOC became famous through his book, The Goal. In his book, the protagonist is an operations manager. Goldratt uses TOC to device a plot. The plot revolve around identifying the current constraint, building upon the constraint to find out which would be the next limiting constraint. For example, in the production plant, the operations manager faces one particular constraint. The constraint is the inadequate machine tool capacity. Goldratt explains how this affects the production process, and when resolved what can be the other constraint that limits the system.

What are the key elements of TOC?

Goldratt followed five focusing steps in the process of on-going improvement in his TOC. Those steps are

  1. Identify the constraint: Try and identify a constraint, that is limiting the output. This can be a production constraint or policy constraint.
  2. Exploit the constraint: Achieve the best possible output, with the constraint in place. Goldratt visualized the production process as a flow process. In a flow process, try and remove the limitations that constrain the flow. Also reduce the time that is affected by the constraint and apply it for a most effective way possible.
  3. Subordinate other activities to the constraint: Now, link the output of other operations to match the constraint. Thus this helps to smooth the workflow. Also clears any stagnation points that can happen due to the work in process inventory. Avoid making the constraint wait for work
  4. Elevate the constraint: When the constraint is not resolved, assume the machine output cannot be increased, then increase the staff and the number of machines to reach the desired output.
  5. If anything has changed, go back to step one: When the outcome is changed, go back to starting stage again. Assess to see if there is any other operation or policy that is becoming a system constraint. Follow the above steps again. This helps in consistent process of ongoing improvement.

How an Olympic swimmer used TOC principles?

TOC can be applied to Personal Excellence too. It’s not only for organizations but also for personal growth and victory. To cite an example from Theory of Constraint Institute, an Olympic hopeful failed twice. She failed to qualify for the swimming team. She took the TOC and proved in the she can win. This is upon correction of few short falls. Those were

  • Take time to stretch.
  • Avoid dehydration.
  • Remove fear and think positive.
  • Communication with coach to be better. Develop good communication.
  • Train when you are in strength. Don’t stretch when you are tired.

She upon applying the TOC principles, went to win gold medal and clock new world record. She turned out to be a motivational speaker in future and also returned to olympics triathlon after few years.

“For every effect there is a root cause. Find and address the root cause rather than try to fix the effect, as there is no end to the latter”

-Celestine Chua

What are various thinking process?

Considering 5 steps mentioned earlier, the basic questions that needs to be answered are

  1. What to change.
  2. What to change to.
  3. How to cause the change

The above questions of the Thinking process, helps us to drill down into our visualizations. This helps to present the cause and effect relationships, which we observe in our day to day activities. It helps us to capture those to portray their relationships in a simple and straightforward manner. The Thinking process is an integral part of TOC.

TOC when applied properly, can have a real good impact psychologically. This is by systematically addressing the question. These are the questions one has intuitively, however TOC brings this out clearly. There is a process based on the psychology of change that acknowledges and systematically addresses the questions people intuitively ask when evaluating a change.

  1. Am I addressing the problem?
  2. Is the solution for the problem, a good one?
  3. When the solution works towards resolving the problem, how does it benefit me?
  4. What can go wrong with the problem and its solution?
  5. How can this be implemented?
  6. Am I geared up for this?

These questions are to be answered clearly and frankly.

How it can help for one’s thinking process?

Let’s try to see how this can be used in our regular thinking process. The simple approach to start with is, looking into the 3 questions. We can look into this thinking process aligned with an example.

  1. What to change – One of the simplest thing might be to wake up early at 5.00am. The change that we are looking here is to waking up early. Instead of waking up at 7.00am, how can we wake up at 5.00am?. That’s the change.

2. What to change to – Here, the change is instead of 7.00am to 5.00am, what needs to be changed and what would be result. Basically, to arrive at a goal of what that 2 hrs difference is going to add by doing this change. The change of waking up early in the morning at 5.00am.

3. How to cause the change. – This involves what needs to be done, to make this change effective. The effectiveness of waking up everyday in the morning at 5.00am. Once, you have these three questions framed for your actionable goal, then you can apply the TOC constraint model to achieve it.

Taking the example of waking up early in the morning at 5.00am to be our end goal, let’s try and apply the TOC in principle to see, how we can achieve this goal.

Goal – Consistently waking up every day in the morning by 5.00am.

First step – Identify the constraint.

The general constraint for waking up early in the morning can be

  1. Sleeping late night
  2. Binge watching shows/movies
  3. Not having a proper morning routine in place

Once we had identified the constraint we can plan the steps to avoid these constraints. According to TOC, the critical thing is identifying the constraints. The fact to arrive at any of the constraints, are generally intuitively known to oneself. However, to note down those and look into those as constraints is what we miss most of the times. Thus apply the TOC in the regular scenarios, be it your commute or ability to focus or the issue of distraction or planning on a goal to achieve. Start with the 3 questions, and then capture, the steps. Once you had captured, the first step, let’s move on to the 2nd step.

Exploit the constraint

Assuming, that we would still love to wake up early, having the constraint in place. This means, looking at the constraint as the possible scenario’s below

  1. We cannot sleep early, due to work schedule. (repeatable work calls late into the evening/night) – Policy change.
  2. Binge watching to Reading – Activity change.
  3. Plan a morning routine – Planning.

Though, we cannot change our work schedule, probably we can look into the aspect of binge watching. Change of work schedule will be a policy change. A policy change can always have a profound impact when it is planned and executed properly. If the work schedule involves co.ordinating with various teams across the globe, for a review call; probably you can introduce a cyclical or rotational working schedule in place. This means, if this month you have to extend in to late night discussions, probably next month, it can be your peer.

Every action that brings one closer to its goal is productive.

As we instinctively know that binge watching drains us out, the best thing is how to switch to reading or writing. Though we plan as a massive change or complete shift from binge watching to reading might not happen at one go. The best, is to focus to reduce the time. Probably from 3 hrs of binge watching to 2hrs, and start reading before going to sleep. This can leave you fresh, rather than be drained into sleep.

The most important factor again is a policy change. This is planning a morning routine. Most of the times, we don’t have in place a morning routine. Thus the best is, to have a morning routine in place. As simple as waking up in the morning, doing 20 mins of yoga or meditation, 20 mins of exercise and conclude the last 20 mins with your coffee and news. Once we exploit the constraints, we get avenues to build around the constraints, if they are not easily changeable.

Subordinate other activities to the constraint

Link all the activities that can improve by removing these constraint. By waking up early, what are the relevant things that can go well. Some of the possible good outcomes can be

  1. Reaching on time to office. Not to get struck in the regular traffic jams. A 15 mins early start to office can help us to ease away most of the regular peak time traffic.
  2. A good healthy breakfast. The time in hand helps us to have a proper breakfast. Even the breakfast can be planned.
  3. This also give us ample of time, to do proper morning exercise. It can be jogging or running or meditation etc.

Elevate the constraint

When the constraint cannot be resolved, how do we still achieve the goal of waking up at 5.00am. Elevate the constraint, is actually working out the near term and long term outcome. At the same time accepting the constraint cannot be changed in near future; so working out on all relatable mechanisms to resolve the same.

“Since the strength of the chain is determined by the weakest link, then the first step to improve an organization must be to identify the weakest link.”

Eliyahu M Goldratt

When the major constraint of work schedule or late night working cannot be reduced, then the next probable steps can be reducing the time for binge watching. Also, look into ways to optimize your morning routine with a clear focus. Thus you get additional time to sleep, by the reduced binge watching. Also, the morning routine can be optimized not to be a rigorous one. It can be a planned one. A simple one with jogging and good breakfast.

This way, in near time by elevating the constraint, one can execute the best possible outcomes. Once the constraint is removed, then one can perform to their planned vision.

If anything has changed go back to step one

When the constraint is removed and the vision is achieved, the goal does not stop there. According to TOC it is a continuous improvement cycle. The best way to do, is go back to the routine again. When waking up 5.00 am has become a regular affair, then to look into the aspects that can be agents of distraction. Some of the probable agents of distraction can be

  • The checking of social media or youtube before going to bed.
  • Late dinner in the night. Occasional drinks.
  • Mind wandering through various in coherent thoughts.

There can be multiple other things. But looking into these, and starting to remove one by one, shall make the way forward for excellence.

The TOC 5 steps when properly approached and implemented, helps an individual enormously. It helps one to achieve their goals with more clarity and augment their capability. This TOC Thinking Processes enables one to strategize properly to benefit them to a greater extent. TOC is based upon one’s imagination. The more you apply, the better you become. It is one of the best ammunition for Personal excellence.

“Excellence prospers in the absence of excuses.”

Lorii Myers