Present thoughts, Sunday Reverie

Life with Pattern

Life with pattern is a way of living that is characterized by the recognition and appreciation of the patterns that exist in the world around us. These patterns can be found in a wide range of areas, including nature, human behavior, and even in the way that events unfold over time.Adopting a life with pattern requires a level of mindfulness and attention to detail that allows us to observe and understand the patterns that exist in the world around us. By becoming more aware of these patterns, we can learn to predict and anticipate future events, and make better decisions in the present.

Living with pattern also requires a level of flexibility and adaptability, as the world is constantly changing and evolving. While we may be able to identify certain patterns, it is important to recognize that these patterns can also shift and change over time.

Overall, a life with pattern is one that is characterized by a sense of order and predictability, as well as a willingness to adapt and change as circumstances require. By embracing the patterns that exist in the world around us, we can find greater meaning and purpose in our lives, and make more informed decisions about the paths we choose to follow

There are patterns abound around us. From the majestic spiral of a seashell to the rhythmic beat of a heart, the universe is replete with recurring patterns that shape our understanding of reality. Yet, beyond mere aesthetics, patterns hold a profound significance in the way we perceive and navigate life. In this exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of patterns that surround us, from ancient structures to scientific revelations, and uncover the profound wisdom they offer for living a fulfilling life.

Ancient Structures: Echoes of Timeless Wisdom

Step back in time and gaze upon the architectural marvels of ancient civilizations – the pyramids of Egypt, the intricate mandalas of Hindu temples, or the geometric perfection of Greek temples. These structures, imbued with symbolism and purpose, are testaments to humanity’s innate inclination towards pattern and order.

In ancient cultures, patterns were not merely decorative motifs but held deep spiritual and philosophical significance. The Fibonacci sequence, for instance, which manifests in the spirals of seashells and the arrangement of petals in a flower, was revered as a symbol of divine proportion and harmony. Similarly, the intricate labyrinth designs found in sacred sites across the world symbolize the journey of life, with its twists and turns, challenges and revelations.

These ancient structures remind us that patterns are not arbitrary but are woven into the very fabric of existence, reflecting universal truths and timeless wisdom. By attuning ourselves to these patterns, we can gain insights into the mysteries of existence and find greater meaning in our journey through life.

Events: The Dance of Cause and Effect

Beyond physical structures, patterns also emerge in the unfolding of events – the ebb and flow of tides, the changing seasons, the cycles of birth and death. Each event is intricately connected, part of a larger pattern of cause and effect that shapes the course of our lives.

In chaos theory, scientists have discovered the presence of hidden patterns within seemingly random phenomena, revealing the underlying order that governs the universe. The concept of fractals, for example, illustrates how complex patterns can emerge from simple iterative processes, echoing the interconnectedness of all things.

By recognizing the patterns that govern the events in our lives, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Just as the seasons follow a predictable cycle, so too do our own lives unfold according to patterns of growth, change, and renewal. By embracing these patterns, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with greater resilience and grace.

Philosophy: Finding Harmony in Chaos

At its core, the study of patterns is a quest for harmony – a search for order amidst the chaos of existence. In philosophy, this quest takes on a metaphysical dimension, as we contemplate the nature of reality and our place within it.

The concept of the Logos, as articulated by ancient Greek philosophers, posits that the universe is governed by a rational order, a divine principle that imbues all things with purpose and meaning. In Eastern philosophy, the Tao represents the underlying unity of existence, the eternal pattern from which all things arise and return. In the midst of life’s uncertainties, embracing the wisdom of these philosophical traditions can offer solace and guidance. By aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe, we can find peace amidst the chaos and navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

Science: Unlocking the Secrets of Patterns

In recent years, advances in science have shed new light on the pervasive presence of patterns in nature and the profound implications they hold for our understanding of reality. From the intricate structures of DNA to the elegant equations of quantum mechanics, scientists have uncovered a hidden order that pervades the cosmos.

In biology, the study of fractals has revealed the fractal geometry of nature, from the branching patterns of trees to the intricate networks of blood vessels in the human body. These fractal patterns serve not only functional purposes but also hint at a deeper order underlying the complexity of life.

In physics, the discovery of symmetry principles has revolutionized our understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe, revealing the elegant simplicity that underlies the seemingly chaotic world of subatomic particles.

In the grand symphony of existence, patterns are the notes that weave together the melody of life. From the ancient structures of civilizations past to the intricate dance of events in the present moment, patterns offer a window into the underlying order that governs the universe.

By embracing the wisdom of patterns, we can find harmony amidst the chaos, meaning amidst the uncertainty. Whether through ancient philosophy, scientific inquiry, or contemplative reflection, the study of patterns offers a pathway to deeper understanding and greater fulfillment.

As we journey through life, may we learn to attune ourselves to the rhythms of existence, to dance with the patterns that shape our lives, and to find beauty and meaning in the ever-unfolding tapestry of existence.

Life values

Being thoughtless

Have you ever been thoughtless? A state of blank. Most of the times, our mind is filled with thoughts. And mostly they just wander like the floating dust in the breeze. Very rarely, the same thoughts catchup with the storm. Thats when we become emotionally uncontrollable.

So, why being thoughtless is so hard? To know this further, we just need to understand, how we have been brought up!! Most of the times, as part of evolution, we are subjected to various kinds of subjects. Most of the subjects during the initial period of our growth is by referrence than experience. Rose petals taste good. A flame is hot. These were constantly fed into our mind by the people around us. Once we experience this, we actually start to frame a stronger opinion on those. The first time, when we felt the heat of a flame, we realize and accept, the flame is hot. But at the same time, when we first tasted the petal of the rose, probably we would have felt its not so tasty as we thought to be. Because, taste is again an referrence scheme to the one which we liked. Immediately our mind compared it with the taste of the one which we liked to the rose petal, to form an opinion about the same.

Likewise, as our mind, starts to analyze the various things that starts to pileup over the years. Just like the cow that assimilates and chews its grass, when it sits on the pasture after its fodder. In the sameway, our mind brings in all the thoughts that are actively dormant as well as in the cache memory. From the recent quote you read, to the email, to the conversation to the year past conversation, to that lingering image etc, our mind just plucks one of these to float in, when we are idle. As the mind plays like a breeze, our thoughts as dust keeps floating and we float along with it.

Can the dust settle? Can we be thoughtless? Yes we can be. The best way to do it is becoming observant of those. It’s about watching the mind, as it frames those thoughts. Once you become observant of those thoughts, you start to realize the various thoughts that your mind creates or plucks from various links within the brain. The more you observe oneself, the mind starts to slow down. It becomes watchful towards the observation. It starts to slowdown.

Either being an observant or an observer, is also not an easy task. Because, when you are an observer, the actual expectation is to watch. Not to associate or arrive at any conclusions. Also not to link with any of the knowledge. For example, when we watch kids playing in the park, we generally don’t observe. We actually, allow our thoughts to look into the kids, their play, the beautiful surrounding of the green part, the tall green trees nearby; as minutes passes by we also start to do prediction, whether the kid might slip when they play, or start to immerse ourselves in the play as a mode of enjoyment and start to think about similar kids, or relate to the news or players associated. Then we start to day dream.

However, as an observer, when you start to observe the kid as a human and not even as kid, and not linking it to anything and just watch without any assumptions or predictions, then during that state of mind, we are thoughtless. Why thoughtless is so important to one’s focus? Being thoughtless, allows one to observer the state in the as-is condition. Thus it demolishes all layers of wraps covered by the associated thoughts. When you are thoughtless, there is a certain vacuum that gets created in mind. This vacuum at the initial stage tries to keep itself full, by pulling all thoughts in to the mind. However, as a practice, when you start to being thoughtless, then this vacuum starts to expand. There is a sudden vastness, we start to feel. In this vastness, we admire things as they are. We accept the things as it is. The mind doesn’t start to construe things or create assumptions. Most of the times, its our assumptions or presumptions that plays a major role part of all our communications in life.

Now, visualize where it’s without any assumption or presumption. Then the discussion becomes simple. The communication is open valley. Everything is visible in-front of the one who hears. There is crystal clear clarity. This brings in a new form of emotional conditioning. We don’t react. We stop being emotionally reactive. We immerse in the presence. We value the time. We start to see, there is no past and future. There is only now. Reaction slowly disappears. Acceptance, takes a major form. This is also conditioning of the mind. But in this state, we start to transform. In this state, as we. focus on now, we start to look at each and every aspect as a task in hand for this moment; rather than the results for the tasks. Which means, we start to unify. Unify as one, time, place and task all in one.

The excellence starts to appear, only when this happen. At this state results doesn’t matter. Because results take care of themselves. They are just by product of one’s own actions. However results influence to drive the actions minimizes. It’s the essence of being in presence, drives the results. Being thoughtless, is as I write, this blog, it’s allowing a free flow of words, at this point in time, to draft a content. I specifically removed the word meaningful, because, it varies from individual to individual. The meaning is nothing but an outcome of the understanding of various learnings and observations in the past, in relation to this blog. However, when you read and leave it to stand as such in your mind without any linkage, then the action which you had carried out is an immersive experience of being in presence and enjoying it. That’s being thoughtless.

Without thoughts, one cannot become thoughtless. Once one becomes thoughtless, its reveberation expands the thoughtlessness for others thoughtfulness.

Personal Excellence

Why do we need leaders?

A probable question that mostly we don’t ask. Do we really need leaders? How does one differentiate from the other in terms of leadership?

The leader is the one who takes his people from the valley of known to the dream peak

A leader is none other than a common man. A man who has the same tissues and brain, same sort of feelings, shows vulnerability and has the same emotions like any of us. A leader is never born. There is no one with born leadership trait. It’s all in the permission one gives to a thought to follow. A thought of so called known vision. The reason it’s called a know vision is of the reason one believes in it at a certain point in time. Then puts the action in place and works tirelessly to reach that vision.

The leader is the one who shows vitality and vigor to reach the vision. Goals are part of the vision for the leader. That’s the not the end result. Every leader’s vision is always not specific but wide in its view. They device an approach which they feel is right to reach the vision. One of the challenge is in bringing the consensus amongst the people to follow the vision.

This leads to a question, when I follow a vision, can I be a leader? Why not? For a simple man or woman, like manager at work, or coffee seller at a coffee shop or a student who dreams of getting a high paid job or the sweeper etc. Let’s take the example of the sweeper. A sweeper’s purposeful vision would be to ensure his family is able to have the minimum commitment of food, cloth and shelter in place; to provide education for his children and to lead a calm life.

When the sweeper works tirelessly towards the vision of building and nurturing this, he or she is a purposeful human in its own right. Then when does he or she become the leader? When the same sweeper adheres to the integrity of life as its core principle and starts to think, that it’s not only a necessity of calm life for himself or herself but also for the peers in his work needs to be established. When one starts to think this way and act upon it, in their circle of influence, he or she become a leader.

When such a transition happens, within oneself to support the fellow humans with the best of his or her capability, a leader is in place. Now assume, when every one starts to think this way and acts, it brings a massive change in oneself. A change within the community. That change leads to the fundamental question – When such a change happens,

Do we need leaders?

Basically, what has happened is that, the moment we see someone with a thought process for a larger cause, we start to acknowledge their views. We start to follow and support their opinions. We start to believe. This belief is the culprit. Because, once you start to believe, you don’t start to think. Belief leads to blind follow. That’s where we have this term blind faith. Faith is nothing but a strong belief on to something.

Let’s take a pause and allow this thought to digest in you. Isn’t that we can also think? Can’t we also try to expand the core purpose of us to support a human? When we start to build this cycle of support for one human, we are building the real human chain. A chain we know, that we are linked by similarities of physical and emotional appearances and needs. When we start to think and act on this, where is the necessity for the leaders?

We all have the capability to think. A thought becomes powerful, when you allow it catch a link. The link is the action. A thought becomes thinking, when it catches one’s mind. A host. A host on which it can influence upon and make one to act. The one who caught on to that influence acts. While others, just dump their thoughts. We perceive the thoughts through his or her action. Because action easily influences a mind than a powerful thought.

For example, as you read this blog, when it creates a spark of thought, then that’s something you need to catchup on. That’s kindling of one’s own mind. When I record this and deliver as a speech or as an enactment, then it becomes an action. An action didn’t kindle your own thought. A thought that projects me in your mind based upon your perception and created a thought that, whatever he said seems right. This action influenced your thought to follow mine. The more action I do, then it becomes a belief. A belief that eventually turns into blind faith.

Thus, it’s a thought that you had allowed, to project another thought of belief. The principles that you had acknowledged at your first go as the rightful ones. The principles which we never questioned. As to why?

Relating back to the quote mentioned above, a leader is the one who takes his people from the valley of known to the dream peak. Isn’t that we actually gave the power to a common man to become a leader?. Isn’t that we believed in the vision set by someone as the probable best one and started to follow it?. Isn’t that we then blindly started to build the faith and trust on these leaders?

Well, if that’s the case why did we leave our thoughts?. Our own thoughts that guides us to build us for our family. Our own thoughts that navigates us through tough times. It’s because not everyone is brought up in the same way. Though everyone is born in the same way not everyone builds themself up in the same way. A person, who had seen the plight of her people, her society, her community gives the power to her thought. How can I change this? That powerful thought leads to thinking. A thinking that results in actions. Actions that are hardship to her. But she carries with the vigor and vitality to endure. This makes her a leader, because we are not prepared for this. We feel, that we cannot endure. We fear, we fail. We constraint ourselves by the boundary of societal standards and norms.

Assume, you are in the middle of a city. In a city in the midnight. There is not much traffic around. There is also not much people around. You are lost in the city to reach your destination. You have the route, google maps in hand but you can’t figure it out. You get a thought to ask someone. You figure out by searching and reaching the nearest shop or a taxi driver to get the guidance. A thought to ask. A brave step to start. That’s how a leader is born. Taking the first step. Not large steps. Small step of bravery. But continuously.

When you acknowledge that you can give power to the thought, then you can become a leader. When everyone gives power to the thought, they start their thinking process. A process that can lead to action. When such an action of embracing a vision for the betterment of fellow human happens, you become a leader.

Thus, it leads to our first question.

Why do we need leaders?

Sunday Reverie

Butterfly effect and its influence on our actions

The word “Butterfly effect” can resonate for some to the movie. For most, it might be a simple view of spill over effect. Actually, The Butterfly Effect is a concept invented by the American meteorologist Edward N. Lorenz (1917-2008). It is to highlight the possibility that small causes may have momentous effects. The closely relatable example that always comes to our mind is that, when a butterfly flaps its wings in brazil, it creates a tornado in Texas. Let’s understand how this example came in relevance. For which we need to go back Lorenz himself.

Lorenz Approach

During early 1950’s at MIT, Lorenz was studying about long rang weather forecasting. As with any pattern recognition examples, the fellow research experts felt that, its easy to predict the weather. Their approach was that, when we have weeks or months of day, we should be able to arrive at a pattern. That pattern from the old weather data, can help to predict the future weather condition.

A plot of Lorenz’s strange attractor. The butterfly effect or sensitive dependence on initial conditions is the property of a dynamical system that, starting from any of various arbitrarily close alternative initial conditions on the attractor, the interated points will become arbitrarily spread out from each other. Source: wikipedia

Lorenz on the other side didn’t believe in this idea. He was doubtful about the same. With the complexity of nature and the environment around, weather cannot repeat itself. Hence, it would be impossible to predict a day in the history, which is exact replica of the current situation. He argued that the atmosphere is so complex that it never repeats itself, so it would be impossible to find a day in history when conditions were precisely the same.

Butterfly Effect – How did the name came into existence?

In the due course, accidentally he discovered, the butterfly effect. According to him, even a small different in the initial state or condition, can lead to completely different outcomes. After running an experiment for the weather prediction, he thought of rerunning the same. In the model for weather predication experiment, he entered the value as 0.506 instead of 0.506127. When he returned after getting his cup of coffee, he was surprised to see that, the resulting prediction was completely different from the original output. With this he arrived that a small change in the initial conditions can have enormous long-term implications. That was his eurekha moment.

When Lorenz, failed to provide a title to present about his prediction as a talk for the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1972, Philip Merrilees came with the title, Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?  That’s how butterfly effect came into existence.

An idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. Though, the butterfly flapping its wings cannot cause a storm. However, small events can act as catalyst that influence certain course of events.

Examples from History for Butterfly effect

Having now understood, about Butterfly effect,

Let’s look into one of the easiest relatable incident from World War for the butterfly effect. World War I started all because of a very small incident in June 1914. A revolutionary name Gavrilo Princip along with his accomplice were planning an assassination attempt on crown prince of Hungary, Franz Ferdinand. Franz Ferdinand was on a motorcade towards the town hall. When assassination attempt was made, it was narrowly missed. However after his town hall speech, Franz Ferdinand wished to meet the victims of the assassination attempt on him. His driver was advised to take a specific route. However, the information was passed on lately and by the time, the driver realized he took a wrong route, he tried to reverse his vehicle. In that moment, crown prince car broke down. The revolutionary, who was going in that route saw an opportunity and instantly shot Ferdinand and his wife.

This led to World War I. Austria-Hungary went to war against Serbia and soon countries joined based upon their diplomatic treaties. This one incident led to a full scale war. The World War I.

Coincidence has nothing to do with faith or destiny , it’s just a miss matched eqation of timing and spacing … just like a butterfly effect

One other recent incident that can be explored here, is the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull. Eyjafjallajökull is one of Iceland’s smaller ice capped mountain. It’s located in the far south of the island. This has erupted relatively frequently since the ice age. The eruptions occurred in 920, 1612, and from 1821 to 1823. 20 March 2010, a small eruption began. On 14 April 2010, the eruption entered a second phase and created a cloud of ash that led to the closure of most of the European airspace from 15 until 20 April 2010. This led to the highest level of air travel disruption since the World War II.

A small disturbance in the complex mechanism of life on the Earth, the fact that an ash cloud from a minor volcanic eruption in Iceland brings to stand still the entire aerial traffic in the continent of Europe. This shows a small action somewhere has its power to transform nature.

Though there are multiple referenceable incidents, to butterfly effect let’s take this as our base assumption for today’s discussion on how our tiny thoughts have an impact on our actions? Why do, when we have a bad phone call with someone in the morning, we feel the day turns out to be bad? Or why on the same day, when we happened to bump into a good friend of ours and feel after the meeting, the day was good?

Are these actions any way inter-related? When the answer is yes, then let’s delve deeper into the next topic, how does a thought can leave such action in a future point in time. To better understand, let’s go back to our example stated earlier. When we have an unpleasant conversation, with someone, it leaves a kind of impact on us in terms of our thoughts. We suddenly feel unpleasant, dull and low on energy after the conversation. Our body takes those cues, and starts to slow us down in our actions. It reacts in a way of showing low interest or not much focus into our work.

Daoism on Butterfly effect

Metaphorically, Daoism anticipates something like the butterfly effect.

Way-making (dao) gives rise to continuity,
Continuity gives rise to difference,
Difference to plurality,
And plurality gives rise to the manifold of everything that is happening (wanwu)

David Jones, The Fractal Self

According to Chinese philosophy, this transformation is called Dahua. A principle that seems to express glimpses of universal evolution. The great transformation.

Our thoughts are those butterflies

Can these be called as butterfly effect. Though not in specific, however these can be correlated as an inducing factor. Consider a scenario, where in you had a kind of anger on a simple mistake by your colleague. You gave a thought about it in your mind and then, left it duly considering why you need to show the anger. Day’s pass and again the repeated mistake happens. Probably, couple of times. On one fine day, when you were low on energy due to phone call (as mentioned above) that had happened, you outburst on your colleague for the simple mistake.

Now, the anger of your’s was it because of the phone call or was it due to the anger thought that happened few weeks back. Now relating this to butterfly effect, we can elucidate that small events that can act as catalyst to influence certain course of events.

Few of you would be able to relate, a split second decision of taking a left turn or an u turn on a drive to office, saved you from a heavy traffic or got you struck in traffic jam. How do we relate these course of events. Though, science cannot prove the time factor to roll back the actions, however it can prove to relate the course of events relating to split second decision. Sometimes, we call it as intuition. Though that’s a larger topic to divulge in future. The blink with which we took the decision, when related together can relate a connection to those actions.

A small shift in your thinking, the small changes in your energy can bring a massive impact on you. In your daily actions or the dreams you pursue. It’s the thought that counts. Once, you build on the thought, it’s a start. It awaits to actions to make it count. However, the thought had already, made an alteration in your activity for the day. A simple tweet reply, which you paused for a moment, had already raised a thought in the other end of the receiver awaiting for your reply.

Any small act of kindness or hatred creates reverberation. It spreads across time and distance. It affects the lives known as well as unknown. Everything relating back to the source of echo. Kindness when passed on, grows each time it’s passed. Till it becomes a selfless act of courage. The one who rushed to pull out a kid from falling into the canal, was once a kind kid who shared her cookie with her fellow kid.

Thus, the universe is one connected reverberating wave. A ripple somewhere can cause an impact in the other end. Though the existence of dreams and the parallel universe can be discussed in a different blog, the butterfly effect is proven and here to stay. In the word’s of Benjamin Franklin, let me leave you here to think.

For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail

Personal Excellence

Analyze your thoughts

Thoughts are like those different seashells. The way the seashells gets pushed to the seashore, thoughts occur the same way in our life. Most of them again gets pulled in by the waves. The one’s you catch can be grouped together to make great products. Do you know, a common man can make minimum 39 different varieties of products from a seashell. The reference to thoughts as seashell carries value. Let’s understand about seashell and relate to thoughts.

Seashells generally grow bottom up. They are like the exoskeleton. Every seashell carries unique patterns. These shells acts as protective homes for the soft inhabitants. The visually striking patterns are used to attract a mate or provide camouflage.

Shell patterns carry the complete history. They represent as what had happened at the shells’ growing edge. They are like a diary.

Like the seashell, our thoughts are by those nerve sparks that creates it. Each thought has its own origin. Mostly at the initial stage of formation, they are not so stable. They can be easily destroyed similar to the wave current for the seashells, for us it’s the situation current. The time at which the thoughts gets formed.

The Seashell life can be related to 3 stages of our thougths.

  1. The formation stage
  2. The dead stage
  3. The life stage.

Formation Stage of Seashell can be related to the future stage of thoughts. When the conditions of formation are not suitable for seashell, they don’t get formed. These can be due to the varying nature of of the wave beds where are they getting formed, the wave currents and the wave heat as well as pressure or the hijacking hunters of the ocean.

Similarly when your thoughts are focussed on to future, you are living in an environment in your mind that’s so fragile. The thoughts hallucinates you, of realism, of aspirations, or in most cases related to stress induced fear, anxiety etc. Though the thoughts of future are not concrete, they can get shattered immediately once your current environment changes. Simple correlation would be, when you are on a vacation on Mauritius beach, you live in a scenic environment. Most of the time, you would visualize your life being beautiful and even planning as to how it would it be, when you plan to live by a beautiful seashore. The moment your vacation gets over, you come back to reality. With in few days, you totally forget about the future lifestyle that you were building as pack of cards at Mauritius. The future thoughts when captured and held properly can turnout to become beautiful seashells. But mostly we leave those to fall and they vanish with time.

The dead stage of seashell are the one’s where they get pushed into the seashore. These are scattered all over on the seashore. In this stage, the mussels or the oyster or the clam have died either full-filling their journey or failing along its course. They become the remnants of the past. Similarly the thoughts of the past are the dead stage. The reason is, in no way we can go and correct the course. The one that happened as good, are to be rejoiced while the bad ones are just a scar, an experience. But never to dwell in those for long, because they don’t drive you forward. They just hold you.

Formation of a pearl. Referrence Natgeo Wild.

The life stage is where the pearls are made. Pearls are formed naturally when an irritant – in general a parasite – gets into an oyster, mussel, or clam. In order to protect similar to a defense mechanism, a fluid coats the irritant. It’s called as ‘nacre’ as it is coated layer upon layer. It’s deposited once a shining pearl is formed. Your present thoughts are similar to those. The irritants are like your hardships. The more you focus on the current one in hand, you will gain results. The results can be simple work completion, to a happy dinner with family or a time by yourself in the evening watching the sunset.

Life is a mixture of all these stages. All these thoughts. You cannot do away with one another. They are here to stay. The present thought in the current moments keeps you in the moment. The future when aligned with the present, helps you to work your way up. Grab your steps in a planned way to reach your goal. The past can be just a guiding force, when its an experience. The more the present, it keeps you at the peace and with a percentage of future should act as a guiding force to reach your goal. The past has to be minimalistic. When you forget about your past, you are bound to repeat your mistakes again.

Above all, the only thing you have to heal is the present thought. Get that right and the whole picture will change into one of harmony and joy.

Eckhart Tolle

optimism, Personal Excellence, Teamwork

Repeat your thoughts to actions

Actions speak louder than words. The phrase that we had heard multiple times. The phrase that had grown with us, irrespective of our understanding about the same. Have you ever looked into your actions? What made you to act? What pushed you to perform a task?

As you deep dive into this, you would understand that, its your thoughts. Think about a simple scenario. Cleaning of your house. There is an upcoming long holiday. You would have said to yourself, that you would clean the house during that time. You would have repeated the same with your family members or friends, whomever you share you accommodation with. If you had been staying alone, like me, you would say it to yourself.

When the holiday comes, you would feel bit lazy. You would think, let me do it tomorrow. But suddenly, when you think that you would clean the house, which you had said to yourself, you quickly swing into action. The action is a result of your repeated thoughts. Thus, once you had cleaned your house, you feel a sense of fulfillment. It clearly proves, that when you repeat your thoughts again and again, it gets into action. This remains the same across any field. In a relationship, the heated arguments happen just because of the repeated thoughts that ran in our brain. That’s the reason, we burst out one fine day. Similarly, politicians and media uses the same strategy to repeat their agenda or advertisement again and again. This gets registered and connected in our life as thoughts. When there is a call to action like supporting a cause or buying a product, these thoughts quickly push us to action. Thats when you buy a specific brand of chocolate or that ticket to support a cause.

When you have a work to do or task to complete, visualize the same as an end result. How that task would benefit you or your office upon completion? How much workload for that, day would have got reduced. The moment you happened to do so, you would have realised that the one which you procrastinated during the first half of the day, you would start to work in the second half post that coffee. We attribute it to the coffee, which made you brisk to complete the task. But actually, it’s the thought that got that spark in your subconscious mind to get the job done. Coffee was just an instrument. Had you been drinking tea, it would have been tea too.

Your only limit is your thoughts. The way you think, defines your action.