Personal Excellence

Manage Time not Time to Manage you.

Manage time not time to manage you

The important aspect for all of us is, how to manage time. Have you realized, when you don’t plan your activities properly; you will always find you are running short of time. During that course, you will realize that with the limited time in hand, you had been forced to deliver your task. You would also realize, that when you have time in hand you could have delivered a better work. Hence, it leads to the fundamental aspect about planning. Plan well, so that you can manage time rather than time managing you.

Personal Excellence, Professional Growth

3P’ of Luck

3P's of luck

Most of the times, we think, luck is something that we need to be blessed with. The way luck work is good luck follows hard work around. So in order to be lucky you have 3P’s within you. The 3P’s are Practice, Perseverance, Patience. To reach your goal, you need to  be skilled at it. That happens by practice. Then you follow your goal continuously. The same passion with which you started at the initial go. That’s perseverance. During the perseverance stage, you might get diluted or distracted. Be patient enough, for you will achieve your goal.

Personal Excellence

Influence. Influenced. Influencer.

Influence. Influenced. Influencer.

When you wish to make a change or an impact, you need to know what you want to do. The best way is to get influenced in the subject. When you wish to become an artist, learn about artistry. You obviously get influenced by specific artists in the domain. Once you adopt, learn, practice and evolve you will become an influencer. Thus, when you wish to make a change, get influenced by the change.