Present thoughts

Can one be in the state of objective perception?

A process of perceiving or understanding something in a manner that is free from personal biases, emotions or subjective interpretations. That’s objective perception. However our environment doesn’t allow that? Is in it so? Why an apple had to called an apple? Why a lush greenery in a park suddenly bring calmness to us? Is it because we evolved from ape!! The moment we see a mango, the taste lingers. Because it involves observing and analyzing information which quickly relates to individual opinions or preferences to influence the interpretation.

In many contexts, achieving objective perception can be challenging because individuals naturally bring their own experiences, beliefs, and perspectives to their observations.

Imagine you see a rose. The color that pops up immediately is red. Because, the colors you see are not inherent to the object, but a product of your own conditioning. Where the beauty of a sunset is not just light on clouds, but a reflection of your accumulated memories and desires.

Thus the perception of each and every one of us, is always an interpretation of the thoughts, by our past experience and emotions. This view, often opaque and unconscious, colors everything we encounter. Imagine looking at a rose through a stained-glass window – the true color of the rose is distorted by the colored panes. Our perception, similarly, distorts reality.

Thus our perception of everything and everyone is always through filters, creating division and conflict. We perceive our own lives through the distorting lens of fear and desire.

Hence, to be in the state of objective perception for one is quite tough. We can be close to it. Just being an observer. A neutral observer. Who is part of the process and the process itself. Being present. Being aware. Thus when you are in the park, sitting on the bench you don’t watch. You don’t search. You just observe. See. Be part of the happenings in the part and as an observer one amongst the multiple things and happenings in the park. Never to get lost into the happenings. This shall help to perceive it as it is. And that can happen when you are in the presence and feel the present.

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